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For Law Schools

Give your students a career advantage

with one platform for campus interview programs and direct applications

10,000+ law students
50+ Firm Profiles added
600+ summer associate jobs listed
1 million interviews hosted
Representative picture of Flo Recruit Forward features

We’re simplifying recruitment

Finding a job is tough. Especially in BigLaw.
Today’s law students have to manage more recruitment channels and disparate information than ever before – and be ready to recruit as a 1L. 
To help you support students in a chaotic landscape, Flo Recruit brought the process onto one platform. 
Now law students can research firms, register for recruiting events, direct-apply to jobs, bid during campus programs, and see their interview schedules in one place, free of charge, on Forward.
10,000+ law students
600+ summer associate jobs listed
50+ Firm Profiles added
1 million interviews hosted

Plug in as a Forward Partner School

We want your CSO to connect your own resources to Forward.

Sign up as a Forward Partner School to have your own link for students on Candidate Dashboards, free of charge for clients.

Sign up today, and we’ll ship you plenty of Forward info materials to share with students and keep in your office.

Flo Recruit Forward provided a user-friendly platform that made it very easy for me to navigate recruiting events and directly send my documents to firms I was interested in.

Luke Kyaw

Luke Kyaw

J.D. Candidate, UCLA School of Law Class of 2026

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