Lateral Applicant Tracking

Level up your lateral attorney recruiting

Efficiency meets white glove attorney experience

10,000+ law students
50+ Firm Profiles added
600+ summer associate jobs listed
1 million interviews hosted

Separate your lateral workflows

Lateral associate, partner, and law student hiring are different worlds. Your ATS should reflect this. Create unlimited statuses, email templates, interview formats, and data fields for different searches and opportunistic buckets.
"Flo Recruit simplifies and speeds up the recruitment process. Improved accuracy and efficiency in record-keeping and the ability to track historical interactions with candidates have been significant."
— Lauren Brown, Director of Recruiting and PD
Learn how AGG streamlines Operations

Take control of agency submissions

Direct sourcing is on the rise -- and we need skilled search firms. Take control of your sourcing strategy with more detailed agency management. Limit searches to specific contacts, invite open submissions, or widen access over time.
"Even agencies we work with comment on how easy it is to use Flo Recruit. Being able to track submissions and customize permissions at every level has truly streamlined the process."
— Kelly Capozzi, Firmwide Legal Recruiter
Learn how Bond Schoeneck utilizes Agencies

Track any custom data point

Your ATS can finally replace your favorite spreadsheet. Custom fields and columns are easy to create, control, and export. Plus, built-in Conversion and Source reporting levels up your data-backed strategy.
“The data analytics and reporting features are invaluable for both partner and lateral associate hiring. We will be using conversion reporting, status reporting, and tracking “time-to-fill” to measure our success.”
— Jaimee Slovak, Chief Recruiting and Integration Officer
Learn how Winstead uses Live Reporting

Let’s talk about lateral recruiting

Forbes Logo

"Flo Recruit is ultimately laying the foundation to redesign how companies recruit as a whole and become the gold standard for how an application process should be conducted."

TechCrunch Logo

“The startup helps companies scale their college recruiting efforts, saving time and money.”

Dorm Room Fund Logo

"We’re excited to back Flo Recruit as they simplify the recruitment process, build better tools, and create a more equitable starting point for students as they launch into their careers."

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