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Virtual OCI Panel with Flo Recruit: Lessons & Best Practices from Early Interviews

min read

Join us to hear from Stanford and Yale Law School career services and Akin Gump and Selendy & Gay recruitment teams on their experiences during November OCIs through Flo Recruit. We are ready for January — Learn from those who have already done it!



Naomi Erwich, Director of Recruitment and Administration, Yale Law School CDO

Melissa Maynard LĂ©ger, Director of Recruiting, Stanford Law School CSO

Leah Thornton, Firmwide Attorney Recruiting Manager, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

Peter Van Name, Manager of Legal Talent and Recruiting, Selendy & Gay PLLC

Hannah Kelly

Hannah developed her events expertise managing music festivals in Austin, Texas, and today she puts it to work in the legal recruiting world as Flo Recruit's Growth Manager.

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